Saturday, March 2, 2013

SPRING BREAK.... upon us!

16 men, 10 women, 3 coaches and a plethora of parents (don't have a count on that one yet since they stay at various other hotels/resorts) are now in Florida.  Early on Day 1, Coach Rodgers, Curtis and myself sit in the breakfast area working!  

-  Coach Rodgers departed 6 AM on Thursday with (as posted) ALL of the Racquet Bags.
-  I left on Thursday at 2 PM with 8 of the players....quickly became deemed "my crew" (appropriately defined given my respect for anyone willing to road trip 20+ hours).
-  Coach Brad (luxuriously) flew on Friday morning with the remaining 6 women and 12 men.

Pictures from travel and Friday evening:

The aftermath of NeuroSleep (placebo effect or reality?).
Sean's hat.  Once in FL, I sported this cap....MJ deemed that fashion statement more than appropriate.
6 AM Waffle House!  Still trying to figure out how Sush got so much food for a mere $3.60.
Proud to see at least 1 book (rather than electronic) amongst the players.
Leo working on his resume, Noah studying footage of Monfils, Butters watching South Park and Jeff researching the CO legal system.
Compared to the other 4 men pictured....not productive at all.
Mini-Golf Friday night.  Curtis was complaining that the women won (maybe?).  Actual scores to be posted soon.
No surprise to see Riley and Kroll hanging out with the ladies!
Wasn't there.  Can't explain.
At the hotel pool.

Off to the walking/jogging path that surrounds a pond outside our hotel.  Stay tuned!

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