Thursday, April 4, 2013

Slacking Off

I don't know if anyone informed you of this, but it's Thursday again which usually means it's time for your weekly jolt of life. I had a few ideas in mind for this post: the teams finally getting to hit outside, our big matches coming up, my ever growing love of food. All of these were fine ideas, but unfortunately while I let them marinate in my mind for full flavor, they all went sour. And no one wants to read an article that leaves the taste of sour-marinated ideas in their mind. By the quickly approaching end of this article you can already tell where this is going.

I know what you're thinking, "But Brad, this is the only thing I have to look forward to all week. What am I going to do now? Talk to my wife? Are you insane?" (or husband for those of you saddled with two X chromosomes). I know talking to you're significant other poses real challenges and you need these blog posts like a meth addict needs... well meth I suppose - and dental work. But don't fear, I have some exciting ideas for next week that are guaranteed to give you such a dopamine high that you may never come down. Until then let's all try - however painful it might be - to spend our time with those we love (or are supposed to love), and who knows? Maybe you'll find that they aren't so bad after all. At the very least, you'll probably confuse them for at least an hour, and by the time they discern what you're doing you will have claimed the high ground on the TV remote.

Until next week!  

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