Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Health & Wellness Wednesday - Dietetic Intern

Coe has had a dietetic intern (Brian Scheil) on campus for almost two weeks now. Brian has served many groups on campus thus far; met with Coe College Dining Services, served as a resource at Coe's Health Fair, individual wellness classes, etc. This week, he held separate question and answer sessions for the volleyball, women's basketball, wrestling and today, tennis teams!

I will thus expound upon that meeting as a tie in to Health & Wellness Wednesday!

In my opinion, the most important takeaway of the day from Brian.....examine your nutrition, cut out half the sugar and replace that with complex carbs; your performance will increase. Brian included rice, potatoes, etc within his list of complex carbs. Given my understanding of Fit for Life, I personally would stick to whole wheat and whole grain options....an excellent list of complex carbs here:

Specific Questions asked by Coe Tennis players....the answers a combination of Brian's response, my own understanding and at times, a bit of research.

Q: I love cereal and eat it most every morning. What types of cereal should I be eating?
A: Cereal that is low in sugar. Whole wheat, or whole grain when possible. Bran is another good option. As is oatmeal if a satisfactory substitute. For specific types:
Personally, I am fan of Cheerios and Special K Protein Plus.
Healthy options that I have found to be less readily available with the top choice being Post Shredded Wheat Original:

Q: What are your thoughts on supplements and energy drinks?
A: Other than fish oil (and a multi-vitamin if desired) being encouraged as a supplement, Brian was adamant that the best way to maximize energy is to eat a well balanced diet and get plenty of sleep. He also shared an interesting fact that I was unaware of.....if taking vitamins, and your urine is bright yellow, your body is excreting what isn't being absorbed. A more in depth explanation here.


Deviating topics here....despite the grumbles received, ran my class through their periodic fitness test on Monday. Very pleased to say that everyone is still making progress! I have included the results of two members (and myself) below, and the % increase over time for the 8 different exercises.

Quote of the week from a member of my fitness class....."Maybe we'll doing something easy today like an Insanity video.....Kris is tougher than Shaun T." I share that with all of you not to toot my own horn, but rather to show the level of fitness my class has attained; it wasn't too long ago that an Insanity video was considered EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Will have to up my own game to keep pushing these folks!

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