Friday, May 25, 2012

Kohawk Thoughts of the Week! Free T-Shirt!

Match the Kohawk with the thought.  First submission with all answers correct will win a Kohawk Tennis t-shirt!  Good luck!  Kohawks chiming in this week include:  Victor Khristenko (VK), Michelle Schupbach (MS), Sara Ohlman (SO), Alex Leovic (Leo), Michael Janssen (MJ), Elizabeth Hoffmann (Hoff), Noah Sprinkel (NS), Jeff Damisch (JD), Jackie Pedersen (JP), Tai Lucero (Tai).

  1. I have spent the last week sliding around on red clay in Europe, and I never want to go back to hard courts.....or the States!
  2. Love means nothing in tennis.
  3. The more I work out, the more sore I seem to be!  Come on six pack abs!
  4. It's State Tournament time, brings back old memories!
  5. Wondering if the Russian is back up to 200 lbs yet?
  6. I hate insanity.
  7. I have yet to complete my academic year (May term ends next week) and I already received an email welcoming me to the 2012-2013 tennis season.  I love Kohawk Tennis!
  8. I hate when people ride their bikes in the middle of the road and I get stuck behind them at 10 mph. It's like, you're not a car, why are you driving on the road like you're a car, that's what sidewalks are for.
  9. I watched an episode of 24 right before bed and dreamt I was working undercover to thwart the plans of terrorists.
  10. 178 b*^$#.  No, you can't put that on the blog.  178, Monfils....fighting weight!
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