Friday, June 11, 2010

Final 2010 Rankings!

The Kohawk Tennis Teams were well represented in the final ITA Central Region Rankings.

#17 Women's Singles--Hannah Jensen
#10 Women's Doubles--Andrea & Michelle Schupbach
#13 Men's Team--Coe College
#27 Men's Singles--Greg Janssen
#30 Men's Singles--Elliot Rausa
#12 Men's Doubles--Elliot Rausa & Scott Stegemann

AND, in the rankings of the Recruiting Classes for Men's D3 Tennis( ), Coe College has the #23 ranked incoming first-year class!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

John Wooden

Last night John Wooden, the former Purdue All-American and UCLA basketball coach passed on at age 99. Coach Wooden won many NCAA basketball titles during the 1960's and 1970's.

More importantly, for those of us who coach, he was the greatest coach ever. His manner of coaching, with its emphasis on teaching life skills while coaching a game, has had more influence on generations of coaches than any number of titles could bring. I strive mightily to coach as well as Coach Wooden, while knowing full well that I will never come close.

He will be greatly remembered.